Committee Duties, Power and Jurisdiction
Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations (Blue Ribbon) Jurisdiction: Seventeen (17) members. All matters relating to, including investigation of, malfeasance, misfeasance and nonfeasance in office by officers and employees of the government, its branches, agencies, subdivisions and instrumentalities; implementation of the provision of the Constitution on nepotism; and investigation of any matter of public interest on its own initiative or brought to its attention by any member of the Senate. Jurisdiction: Eleven (11) members. All matters relating to the auditing and adjustment of all accounts chargeable against the funds for the expenses and activities of the Senate.
on Agriculture, Food and Agrarian
Reform Jurisdiction: Fifteen (15) members. All matters relating to agriculture, food production and agri-business, including agricultural experimental stations, agricultural economics and research; soil survey and conservation; agricultural education; technical extension services; animal husbandry; livestock quarantine; agricultural support price; and fisheries and aquatic resources; and all matters relating to agrarian reform, landed estates, and implementation of the agrarian land reform provisions of the Constitution. (As amended by Resolution No. 9, adopted on 3 September 2019.) Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to banks, financial institutions, government and private currencies, capital markets, mutual funds, securitization, coinage and circulation of money. Jurisdiction: All matters directly and principally relating to early childhood care and education, pre-school, kindergarten, elementary and secondary education, science high schools except the Philippine Science High School System, sports high schools, teachers’ and students’ welfare, teacher education and competency; non-formal, informal, indigenous learning systems, special needs education and community adult education; inclusive education, scholarships, grants, subsidies and incentives to deserving students, the preservation, enrichment and evolution of Filipino arts and culture; establishment and maintenance of national language, libraries, museums, shrines, monuments, and other historical sites and edifices; training programs and cultural and artistic programs of international institutions and organizations operating in the Philippines, such as the UNESCO; and the preservation , enrichment, and evolution of Filipino arts and culture. Rule X, Section 13 (6) (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 31 July 2019.) Jurisdiction: Seven (7) members. All matters relating to the Civil Service and the status of officers and employees of the government including their appointment, discipline, retirement; their compensation privileges, benefits and incentives; implementation of the constitutional provisions on the rights of government workers to form and join labor organizations; public sector labor-management relations and collective negotiation agreements; the regulation of and admission to and the practice of the professions; and reorganization of the government or any of its branches or instrumentalities; all human resource development programs pertaining to the Government; and all other matters relating to the bureaucracy. (As amended by Resolution No. 92, adopted on 3 August 2015.) Jurisdiction: Eleven (11) members. All matters proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Philippines and the revision of the existing codes. (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 2 September 2013.) Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to cooperatives, both urban and rural based, including but not limited to farm credit and farm security, cooperative movements, marketing and consumers’ organizations; and the implementation of the Cooperative Code of the Philippines. Jurisdiction: All matters relating to cultural communities and Muslim affairs inclusive of the preservation, development of culture, traditions, institutions, and well-being of indigenous peoples and Muslim Filipinos. Rule X, Section 13 (10) Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the establishment and maintenance of museums, shrines, monuments, and other historical sites and edifices; initiatives in fostering artistic practices and innovations in a range of platforms for presentation; support for scholarship, curatorship and dissemination of knowledge in arts and culture; training programs and cultural and artistic programs of international institutions and organizations operating in the Philippines, such as the UNESCO; and the preservation, enrichment and evolution of Filipino arts and culture, built and intangible, and in both traditional and contemporary forms. Rule X, Section 13 (11) Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to economic planning and programming; the planning of domestic and foreign public indebtedness; general economic development; and coordination, regulation and diversification of industry and investments. Jurisdiction: Eleven (11) members. All matters pertaining to election laws and the implementation of the constitutional provisions on initiative and referendum on legislative acts; recall of elective officials; the role and rights of people’s organizations; and sectoral or party-list representation. (As created under Resolution No. 56, adopted on 17 August 2011.) Jurisdiction: Fifteen (15) members. All matters relating to the exploration, exploitation, development, extraction, importation, refining, transport, marketing, distribution, conservation, or storage of all forms of energy products and resources such as from fossil fuels like petroleum, coal, natural gas and gas liquids, nuclear fuel resources; geothermal resources and non-conventional, existing and potential forms of energy resources; and generation, transmission and distribution of electric power. Jurisdiction: Seventeen (17) members. All matters relating to the conservation and protection of the environment, policies, programs, strategies, technologies and other innovations addressing global warming and climate change impacts, including, but not limited to, climate risk management to reduce vulnerability associated with climate-sensitive areas and sectors, the regulation of the impact of human activities on the same, the promotion of environmental awareness of our citizens, the renewal of resources in damaged ecosystems and other environment-related issues; all matters related to adaptation and mitigation or control of greenhouse gas emissions to enhance resilience and to promote sustainable development, Philippine compliance with the relevant international agreements and cooperation with other countries, development, protection, exploration, storage, renewal, regulation and licensing, and wise utilization of the country’s national reserves including, but not limited to, forest, mineral, public land, offshore areas and the development of industries based on these resources. (As amended by Resolution No. 9, adopted on 3 September 2019.) Jurisdiction: Seven (7) members. All matters relating to the conduct, rights, privileges, safety, dignity, integrity and reputation of the Senate and its Members. Jurisdiction: Twenty (20) members. All matters relating to funds for the expenditures of the National Government and for the payment of public indebtedness; auditing of accounts and expenditures of the National Government; claims against the government; inter-governmental revenue sharing; and, in general, all matters relating to public expenditures. (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 31 July 2019.) Jurisdiction: Fifteen (15) members. All matters relating to the relations of the Philippines with other nations generally; diplomatic and consular services; the Association of Southeast Asian Nations; the United Nations Organization and its agencies; multi-lateral organizations; all international agreements, obligations and contracts; and overseas Filipinos. Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to games and amusement, such as, but not limited to, casinos, lotteries, jai-alai and horse-racing. (As amended by Resolution No. 3, adopted on 1 August 2016. (cf. Resolution No. 6, 2 September 2013.)) Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All questions affecting government corporations, including all amendments to their charters; the interests of the government in the different industrial and commercial enterprises; privatization. Jurisdiction: Eleven (11) members. All matters relating to public health in general, medical, hospital and quarantine services; population issues, concerns, policies and programs affecting individuals and their families, their effects on national, social and economic conditions. Jurisdiction: Fifteeen (15) members. All matters directly and principally relating to post-secondary and tertiary education, technical education, distance education, vocational education, students and teachers’ welfare, centers of excellence, scholarships, grants, subsidies and incentives to deserving students. (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 31 July 2019.) Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to the organization and administration of justice, civil courts, penitentiaries and reformatory schools; probation; impeachment proceedings against constitutional officers and other officers legally removable by impeachment; registration of land titles; immigration and naturalization; the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution on human rights; and all matters pertaining to the efficiency and reforms in the prosecution service. Jurisdiction: Thirteen (13) members. All matters relating to labor, employment and human resource development; maintenance of industrial peace; promotion of employer-employee cooperation; labor education, standards and statistics; organization of the labor market including recruitment, training and placement of workers and exports of human resources; foreign workers in the Philippines; promotion and development of workers’ organizations; and promotion and development of employment-intensive technology. Jurisdiction: Thirteen (13) members. All matters relating to autonomous regions, provinces, cities, special metropolitan political subdivisions, municipalities and barangays. Jurisdiction: All matters relating to the rights, safety, welfare, well-being, interest, and protection of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) and seafarers and their families. Rule X, Section 13 (26) Jurisdiction: Nineteen (19) members. All matters relating to national defense and external and internal threats to national security, peace, internal armed conflict resolution, political negotiation, cessation of hostilities, amnesty, rebel returnees, integration and development, national unification and reconciliation, the Armed Forces of the Philippines; pension plans and fringe benefits of war veterans and military retirees; citizens army selective service; forts; arsenals; military camps and reservations; coast, geodetic and meteorological surveys; civil defense; and military research and development. (As amended by Resolution No. 9, adopted on 3 September 2019.) Jurisdiction: Eleven (11) members. All matters relating to public information, mass communication and broadcast services; the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution regarding ownership and management of mass media and the advertising industry; the development and promotion of information technology; and all matters relating to the artistic standards and quality of the motion picture and television industry. (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 31 July 2019.) Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to peace and order; the Philippine National Police; the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology; the Bureau of Fire Protection; private security agencies; the use, sale, acquisition, possession, cultivation, manufacture and distribution of prohibited and regulated drugs and other similar substances as provided for under pertinent laws, and the prosecution of offenders, rehabilitation of drug users and dependents, including the formulation of drug-related policies. (As amended by Resolution No. 27, entitled “Resolution to Rename the Senate Committee on Public Order and Illegal Drugs, Amending for the Purpose Section 13 (32) of Rule X of the Senate Rules,” adopted by the Senate on 9 November 2010.) Jurisdiction: Thirteen (13) members. All matters affecting public services and utilities; communications; land, air, river and sea transportation including railroads, inter-island navigation, and lighthouses; and the grant or amendment of legislative franchises. (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 31 July 2019.) Jurisdiction: Thirteen (13) members. All matters relating to planning, construction, maintenance, improvement and repair of public buildings, highways, bridges, roads, ports, airports, harbors and parks; drainage, flood control and protection; and irrigation and water utilities. Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters affecting the Rules of the Senate; the calendar as well as parliamentary rules and the order and manner of transacting business and the creation of committees. The Chairman of the Committee shall be the Majority Leader of the Senate. The Vice Chairmen shall be the Assistant Majority Leaders. Jurisdiction: Seven (7) members. All matters relating to science and technology, including scientific and technological research, development and advancement. Jurisdiction: Seven (7) members. All matters relating to rural development and welfare, and the Constitution on Social Justice. Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to the promotion of physical fitness, professional and amateur sports development. (As amended by Resolution No. 3, adopted on 1 August 2016.) Jurisdiction: Fifteen (15) members. All matters relating to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Assessment of the country’s performance in attaining said development goals through policies, strategies, and actions for the development of desirable futures by using a multi-disciplinary approach in illuminating possibilities, outlining policy choices, and assessing alternatives. (As created under Resolution No. 9, adopted on 3 September 2019.) Jurisdiction: Eleven (11) members. All matters relating to tourism and the tourist industry. (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 31 July 2019.) Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to domestic and foreign trade and private corporations; micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs); social enterprises; the promotion of entrepreneurship and the regulation of entrepreneurial practice; patents, copyrights, trade names and trademarks; standards, weights, measures and designs; quality control, control and stabilization of prices of commodities; consumer protection; handicrafts and cottage industries and marketing of commodities. (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 2 September 2013.) Jurisdiction: Eleven (11) members. All matters relating to urban land reform, planning, housing, resettlement and urban community development. Jurisdiction: Fifteen (15) members. All matters relating to revenue generally; taxes and fees; tariffs; loans and other sources and forms of revenue. Jurisdiction: Nine (9) members. All matters relating to women, the welfare and protection of children, family relations, and equality before the law of women and men. (As amended by Resolution No. 93, adopted on 3 August 2015.) Jurisdiction: Seven (7) members. All matters related to the youth and its vital role in nation-building, promotion and protection of their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being, inculcation of patriotism, nationalism and their involvement in public and civic affairs. (As amended by Resolution No. 6, adopted on 2 September 2013.) |